Michael Nadler

Email: mnadler@floating-oak.org

Experience and education overview

Technical expertise [See below for chronological employment history.]

Device drivers
Networking / Network Security
Embedded systems
Software design


Worked successfully in high-stress situations, solving system breakdowns while communicating with the agitated people involved. Often worked on unfamiliar systems, applying knowledge from previous experience. At Hewlett-Packard, received a company-wide "HP Top 100" performance award for my work troubleshooting the HP/UX 11.00 release for the N-class servers.

Communications skills

Intellectual property

Co-authored a patent, Method and Device for Monitoring Data Traffic and Preventing Unauthorized Access to a Network.


Languages Operating systems Databases Scripting languages Networks Debuggers
 C, C++  UNIX: FreeBSD,  Oracle 7  Perl  TCP/IP  UNIX: gdb, kgdb
 PL/SQL      Linux, HP/UX,  UNIFY 2000  HTML/CGI  Fibre-Channel      q4, adb, kadb
 FORTRAN      Solaris, SunOS,  Javascript  SMDS  DOS: CodeView
 Assembly      LynxOS, SCO  Expect, TCL  Datakit  MAXIV: DEBUG
 MS-DOS  sed & awk  MAXNET
 ModComp MAX  Python


Busses Analyzers Systems
 PCI  HP Fibre-channel  x86
 GSC  Oscilloscope  HP9000
 Sbus  SUN Sparc
 VME  Motorola 68k
 ModComp  Dec PDP-11, VAX

Employment history

04/05/04 to present Hewlett-Packard; Roseville, CA

For HP Procurve Networking Business: design and develop embedded software for high-end switch/routers.

07/02/03 to 04/02/04 Sacramento, CA

Work with UC Davis research lab, developing mobile agent application in Java.

06/20/00 to 07/01/03 Captus Networks; Woodland, CA

05/12/97 to 06/16/00 Hewlett-Packard / Agilent; Roseville, CA

With Agilent: Consulted with hardware engineers during design of latest Fibre-Channel chip architecture.

With HP: Received a company-wide "HP Top 100" performance award for my work troubleshooting the HP/UX 11.00 release for the N-class servers. Expert knowledge of HP/UX storage stack including: SCSI, LVM, and ServiceGuard. Developed, maintained and enhanced HP/UX Fibre-Channel Mass Storage SAN drivers, written in C, running on HP/UX 10 & 11. The drivers ran on HP9000 servers over the GSC bus. Developed tools for HP's internal UNIX debugger, q4, written in Perl.

04/10/95 to 05/09/97 MCI Communications; Sacramento, CA

Lead programmer for the vansisMCI product line, which links MCI's long-distance network with its Internet backbone to provide dial-up access to large database systems such as the State of California's Smog Check program. Managed a team of three programmers and four DBAs, defining goals for the team and assigning tasks. Consulted with the development team to improve the design of their software, easing the transition of new software into the existing production system. Trouble-shot the system's problems. Directed development of web-based monitoring and management tools that increased productivity among my team and others in the larger office environment. Product was written in Oracle PL/SQL, C, Perl, sed and awk, running in Solaris on Sun/Sparc servers.

Lead programmer for the campusMCI Internet product, a national dial-up Internet service with 75,000 customers. Designed and developed a multi-threaded application that monitors customer's connection activity, and a distributed authentication and accounting system using the RADIUS protocol. Applications were written in C, and Expect, TCL, Korn and Bourne shellscripts, running in Solaris on Sun/Sparc servers.

06/28/93 to 04/7/95 Pacific Access Computers; Rancho Cordova, CA

Designed and developed SMDS WAN interface device driver for Sun Sparc systems. Driver was written in C, running in both Solaris 1 and Solaris 2 UNIX. Installation scripts were written using Korn shell, sed and awk. Developed SNMP modules that manage the SMDS interface, hooked into the CMU SNMP agent.

12/15/91 to 06/28/93 Protostar Computer Technology, Inc.; Benecia, CA

Designed and developed a Unix-based embedded system that permitted replacement of legacy storage devices with standard SCSI disks. Software was written in C, running on LynxOS (a real-time UNIX OS, now BlueCat Linux) on Motorola 68000 with a VME bus. Also developed ModComp interface driver, written in assembly language.

09/15/87 to 12/12/91 Michael Nadler Software Design; Sacramento, CA

Expert witness in large in copyright infringement lawsuit. Reviewed and analyzed program code for two large process control systems. Testified in deposition on results of analysis. My client successfully defended against the claim.

Troubleshot and repaired software in various process control systems, written in FORTRAN and assembly language.

Maintained and enhanced nuclear plant safety monitoring system, written in FORTRAN and assembly language.

01/01/84 to 09/14/87 Realogic, Incorporated; Sacramento, CA

Founder of software development consulting business that grew from 4 to 9 employees, with nearly $1M annual revenue.

Developed training materials and taught classes in FORTRAN and assembly language programming.

Designed and developed enhancements to a nuclear plant safety monitoring system, written in FORTRAN and assembly language. Designed and developed serial communications drivers, written in assembly language running in ModComp MAXIV on ModComp minicomputers.

09/15/80 to 12/31/83 Self-employed; Sacramento, CA

Designed and developed portions of a nuclear plant safety monitoring system: color-graphics GUI, real-time alarm monitoring, and distributed communications system. Software was written in FORTRAN and ModComp assembly language.

11/02/79 to 09/14/80 Rockwell International; Richardson, TX

Designed and developed a secure communications subsystem, implementing the SWIFT secure network protocol for an international banking application. Software was written in PLEXUS (similar to PL/1), running in RSX-11M on DEC PDP-11.

11/15/77 to 11/01/79 Johnson Controls; Carrollton, TX

Part of team that built the real-time process-control system for Sacramento County (California) Wastewater District treatment plant: designed and developed inter-computer network communication subsystem, and the remote system control software. Taught customer training classes. Software was written in FORTRAN and ModComp assembly language running on ModComp minicomputers.

02/15/74 to 11/14/77 Wismer & Becker; Sacramento, CA

Part of team that built the real-time process-control systems for Contra Costa County (California) Wastewater District and Denver Metro (Colorado) treatment plants: designed and developed process control language building blocks. Wrote several special-purpose analog-controller device drivers. Software was written in FORTRAN and ModComp assembly language. Taught customer training classes.


On request.